
Welcome, by registering to our service you will be able to receive by email a KeyID to activate your plug-in. If you don't have download your plugin yet, please go to page Download. If you need more info about the setup/installation of your plug-in, please reach page How it works?.
Please provide a valid Login.
Please provide a valid password.
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Veuillez fournir un nombre valide.

** Login must be an email * Mandatory
function onClick(e) { e.preventDefault(); grecaptcha.enterprise.ready(async () => { const token = await grecaptcha.enterprise.execute('6LfJHzQoAAAAAGsTGd8ifZy39FcxVnrqANzc9pG-', {action: 'LOGIN'}); // IMPORTANT: The 'token' that results from execute is an encrypted response sent by // reCAPTCHA Enterprise to the end user's browser. // This token must be validated by creating an assessment. // See }); }